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Download Stephanie Mitchell – The AD Lab
Facebook and Instagram ads are designed to convert. Engagement feels good, but it doesn’t pay the bills. Social ads are engaging and bring in revenue.
A small social media following does not mean you will only be advertising to a small group of people. FB and Insta ads reach thousands of people a day!
Social media ads are so easy to use, and they’re tailor-made for your tight budget. Once you know how they work, you’ll be running ads in your sleep.
Social ads can be your #1 marketing and referral tool. You don’t need to juggle a bunch of tools and apps. Bub-bye Tik Tok, nice knowing ya!
They work for both Facebook and Insta. Two platforms, one ad: you don’t have to do double the work to reach double the audience
Download will be MEGA Drive (12.26 GB)
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