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Download Eckhart Tolle Conscious Manifestation 2020

A Personal Letter from Eckhart Tolle
Dear friends,

Over the years, many people have asked me about finding their purpose in this world and how this connects to spiritual awakening. It’s a very important question.

Recently we have had events in the collective that have pushed many into states of fear and anxiety. There has been a kind of enforced stillness for the population. Whenever there is an extreme form of adversity, an opportunity also arises.

Our alertness has gone up to the present moment and to what is happening around us. Many are going deeper to become aware of something that cannot be seen but is rather felt. This is an undeniable field of energy, consciousness that makes all sense perceptions possible. That Presence is inseparable from who you are in your essence.

On the one hand, your life purpose unfolds through the activities that you engage in on what I call “the horizontal dimension”—or the dimension of doing. Many teachings on manifestation focus almost exclusively on this dimension, suggesting that if you get what you want, you will be happy.

But that’s a fallacy everybody eventually finds if they only operate on the horizontal dimension. They may get what they want, but it doesn’t ultimately satisfy them.

There is another dimension that I call “the vertical dimension,” or the dimension of being, which is equally important to be aware of when we talk about manifestation. The mastery of life is to have a balance of both. I sometimes call it the dance between being and doing—not as separate things, but acting together—being and doing as one.

The purpose of this course is to help you realize the connection between outer doing and spiritual realization, and to help you bring the two together.

In this course we will look deeply into the skills, the practices, and, perhaps most importantly, the being dimension of conscious manifestation. Remember: the ultimate source of satisfaction in life is to recognize yourself as consciousness.

If you miss that, then no matter what you achieve in life, it is not going to make you happy for very long. We can start now, right where we are. By going within we can discover the place where life is born continuously—the source of creation—consciousness itself.

The universe has been creating continuously for millions of years. But it may be that the next stage in creating is a very different one from the way in which the universe has been creating for the past few million years.

As humanity awakens, so too will our powers to create true change on our planet.

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