What You Get?
Download John McIntyre – Drop Dead Copy
Here’s What You Can Expect From This Copywriting Mega Bundle:
Go from this…
Blowing your Black Friday budget on 1 or 2 copywriting products. Even if they’re GREAT products, you only get a couple of them. Next month or next year, you’ll need to buy more.
Buying new copywriting products each month – paying top dollar each time instead of getting them at a massive discount like you can today. Settle for inefficient and expensive.
Hearing that annoying inner-voice whisper:“Your copy isn’t good enough. You aren’t cut out for this. This is NOT for you…” (We’ve ALL been there. Trust me, you have great copy in you!)
Feeling too scared to approach clients – especially high-paying clients – because in your mind, your copy isn’t “quite there” yet. Stay stuck, afraid and confused.
To this…
Get 16 amazing copywriting products for less than the price of 1. Why settle for 1-2 products when you can get 16 products in one go? If that’s not a good deal, I don’t know what is.
Get enough copywriting training to keep you going for at least the next 12 months. No more courses to buy – you have everything you need for the next year. Now just focus on DOING!
Find your “copywriting voice”. Finally feel comfortable and confident in yourself as a copywriter in ANY situation – sales pages, emails, Facebook ads and more.
Confidently approach high-paying clients – not the bottom-feeders that most copywriters settle for. Feel proud when they comment “WOW! How’d you get this copy to sound so good?!”
Download will be MEGA Drive (150.45 GB)

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