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John Romaniello – Captivating Copywriting Download

  • Post category: Business

What You Get:

Download John Romaniello – Captivating Copywriting

The Rapid Start Copywriting Crash Course

In a hurry to get started? We’ve got you covered with our copy bootcamp to help you master the basics and start writing compelling copy, today.

​The Captivating Copywriting Core Curriculum

Over 12 trainings across 8 modules, this is the core of your copywriting education. Whether you’re a veteran or just starting out, these trainings will have you writing captivating copy by the end of the course

Conversion Companion Guide

Exercises to break down, synthesize, and apply everything you’ve learned, along with tested strategies you can use to practice your craft. Each training comes with its own workbook to bring you from concept to execution every step of the way.

Unbeatable Access To My Never-ending Resources Vault

To make sure this is one of the most in-depth copy courses anywhere, we’ve stacked it with resources to keep you growing. From tools to reading lists and downloadable resources, you’ll have anything you need all in one place.


The Copywriting “Workout”

Science-backed and story-driven, this training is dedicated to teaching, step-by-step, what you need to do to build that copywriter muscle.


Templates Are Shit, Frameworks Are Lit

The next time you see a template instead of a framework, RUN. This in-depth training lays out the benefits of learning from foundational frameworks versus using “plug and play” templates that have no real guarantees of working.


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