What You Get?
Download Moran Pober – Acquisitions University
Acquisitions is a step by step course that teaches people how to find and acquire businesses that are for sale. We teach our students about how to find sellers, how to understand the business fundamentals and accounting to recognize if the business is viable, how to negotiate a successful offer, and how to legally complete the entire business purchase.
Why over businesses need a new owner ASAP and exactly how to find (and close) the perfect deals for you…without risking your own capital or getting stuck managing the business day to day.
How to move from a wannapreneur “small business owner” – to a true Entrepreneur and Investor who runs a New Model of Business that gives you 10X the leverage.Speed
Why learning to acquire the right business bypasses the struggle, risk and long term grind of starting your own business and immediately puts you way ahead of the entrepreneurial game.
About Moran Pober
Moran Pober sold flowers at the age of 16. At, 18 he was thrown into 3 years of military service, which drove him to look for more. Fast forward… Now, Moran now buys and sells 7 figure businesses all over the world. From Apps to Buzz Feed style Media sites making MMR.
Today, Moran is founder, partner and advisor at wekix.com, abd assets and acquisitions.com
This FREE training class cuts right to the chase and reveals exactly how Moran is able to purchase established complimentary businesses quickly and how you can do the same starting RIGHT NOW!
Moran has one of the best (if not the best) track records in this industry and has helped entrepreneurs purchase over 100 existing businesses with his training.
Moran usually charges to work with clients but this training reveals the exact same methods to you for FREE! Register now before this is taken offline in the next few days!
Download will be MEGA Drive (16.52 GB)
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